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Art of War Free Complimentary Sun Tzu - Art of War eBook file size 450 kb
Sun Tzu - Art of War Tzu said:
Those who are skilled in conflict
The Power Defense
Those who were skilled in conflict
To secure against defeat Therefore, those who are skilled in conflict can secure themselves against defeat, since it is the enemy who provides the opportunity for victory.
Hence, it is said: |
Easy to use
Those who are skillful in defense are as invisible as the lowest underground. Those who are skilled in attack can move like the highest haven giving the opponents no chance of escape.
Therefore, those who are skillful in defense
Victory with no effort Those who are aware of victory when it is obvious to everyone, do not have excellent skills. Those who win during conflict while everyone congratulate, do not have excellent skills. To lift an autumn leaf is not an act of great strength To see the sun and moon is not an act of sharp sight To hear a thunderclap is not an act of good listening
Those whom the ancient ones called
They win because they have the
Positioning with no error Those who win because they are skilled in conflict are not honored for cleverness or credited with heroism. They win because they have made no errors. Those who have made no errors have arranged for victory.
Therefore, those who are skilled in conflict,
Winning tactician are certain of victory before seeking a challenge. Bad tactician are certain to challenge before seeking a sure victory. Those who are skilled in the use of strategy will spell out his objectives clearly. Hence victory or defeat can come through 5 strategic actions: 1. Measuring distances 2. Estimating costs 3. Analyzing strengths 4. Calculating chances 5. Planning victories A winning strategy is like a pound balance against an ounce. A losing strategy is like an ounce balance against a pound.
Those who are victorious fight like Such a position can defeat any opposing force. |