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Guides for improving
email communications

For a refresher in online courtesy, go to
The Netiquette Home Page  http://www.albion.com/netiquette

As an etiquette guide for business email users. The guide features tips that define common email practices and offers suggestions about how to improve business communications.

email etiquette (sometimes called 'netiquette'). If you are new to email, bear in mind that you should avoid typing your message in capitals, it is the electronic equivalent of SHOUTING!

You should also keep email short and to the point since many people may not appreciate reading 20 screen-full of this and that. Remember that this is a quick way to communicate and you can always shoot off another email the same hour or day to clarify something.

Bear in mind that once you have an email address, you may receive junk email....yes, you can't escape from unsolicited messages even on the 'Net' Just ignore these messages if they mean nothing to you.


Responding only makes things worse as the company at the other end will continue to have a record of your response.

Because of the unique addressing system, it is not often that your email will go to the wrong person but it is not impossible.

More often, you will have mistyped the address and it simply bounces back to you in the same way as a letter that is 'returned to sender' due to non-existence of the addressee.

Mind your cyber language :o)
Likewise, for the language used, should be standard and not offensive. In cyber language, uppercase text can be perceived as shouting.

Don't type in all caps unless of course, you're intending to shout at the person. Also, consider carefully what you write .

Remember that it is both an official correspondence as well as a permanent record and can be easily forwarded to others.

Never accuse people
or call them names, suggest they aren't being smart or point out their spelling errors. Assume their intentions are genuine and avoid sarcasm. Be polite and assertive, if necessary, but not vindictive.

Be careful with your punctuations. a lot of periods can separate thoughts, but the use of many exclamation marks signifies your anger.

You might not intend strong emotion, but the other person you're emailing to may think you do. Also re-read your email before sending it, as quick writing often results in awkward grammar.

Avoid cyber-speak
Do not assume that everyone is familiar with the cute acronyms used in email correspondence, such as IMHO (in my humble opinion), FWIW (For what it's worth), FYI (For your information) or BTW (By the way).

Performing a mental translation each time slows down the reader and makes reading difficult for them. You don't want them to be put off or lose the essence of your message!


documents from other programs, such as MS Word. Instead of getting apostropies and such, you may just have gibberish instead. Special formatting sends your message wonky.

Instead, send the original  document as an attachment. Use the cut and paste commands as you would in word processing within the email.

This is helpful in repeating information or creating a type of  form letter to be sent to various participants.


If you're on a mailing list which you have no interest in, reply by writing 'unsubscribe' or 'remove' in the command box.

Unwanted mail may unnecessarily congest your mailbox and server alike. Be careful though, sometimes mass mailers use your response to confirm that you have an address, and send you more stuff.

In that case, you may want to block the sender instead. Such a filter will prevent mail with features that are repeated from being downloaded.

Also, delete all unnecessary mail, especially old messages. Similarly delete duplicate or reply version copies to free up space for new incoming email. Messages with attachments should also be thrown out once the downloads have been saved on the hard drive.

If you have any feed back or suggestion.
Don't keep it to your self, please
drop us a note



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