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This page 1/2>> About IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses IP addresses are allocated to companies and ISPs in blocks and to find out who administers a block of addresses.

Next page 2/2 >> About Private address blocks
Email to an IP address, Domain Name Service, DNS lookups, Reverse lookup, Advanced DNS, Traceroute, SMTP Relay

What if the site is being coy
and trying to hide their domain name?

Most virtual web-hosting companies require customers to have a domain name, but if it's not used anywhere and the website only uses it's IP address to advertise, then it is not easy to be found.

Other times a pool of IP addresses is shared between a number of machines - eg on a dynamic-IP dialup connection your machine will be allocated a different IP address each time you connect.

These addresses are usually written in Dotted Quad notation, as a series of four 8 bit numbers, written in decimal and separated by periods. For example

Each number is in the range 0 to 255 - so if you ever see something that looks like an IP address with numbers outside those ranges it's not a real address.

The leftmost number is the most significant and the rightmost the least. So... and are right next-door to each other whilst and are completely unrelated.

eMail Bolts & Nuts FAQ's
How to manage and clean bounced or undelivered emails? Understand why emails get bounced
How to use your desktop PCs as an email server and bypass your ISP email server, a simple process using a free mail server program
How to test your message and see if it gets deleted by broad based anti-spam filters?
A one page email course. Everything you wanted to know about emailing in a "nut shell"
Quick guide to: dig finger traceroute ping whois nslookup IP block FTP SMTP relay TCP/IP Port
How to embed email tracking code into your email? Invisible counters, codes, scripts to track viewer
Send HTML or TEXT email using formatted HTML email, you can send an entire webpage
How to embed images into HTML email for faster emailing? Prevent displaying linked-site in recipient email client status bar
RFC defined ESMTP, SMTP Status Email Error Codes? These codes are used to provide informative explanations of error conditions
How email works?  Delivery of each email is done
by your ISP mail server, first establishing a conversation through your recipient port 25
Some spiders visit site after site, collecting email addresses and controlling these rogue spiders spam bots or email harvesters with robot.txt
About TCP/IP and mail server port numbers? It is a number between 1 and 65535 which identifies to the receiving computer what function you want to perform

IP Address Nslookup
is a tool to find your server IP address. Use windows DOS "Command Prompt" (click Start/Programs/Accessories), when the DOS screen opens, at the prompt enter nslookup followed by the name of the domain.

Example - if your domain is mailsbroadcast.com enter; Nslookup mailsbroadcast.com [enter] to display your domain IP address.

To display a DOS prompt in Windows 2000 or XP,
go to Start/Run, type in "CMD" and click OK.

IP Address allocation

Traditionally IP addresses were allocated to Countries, companies or ISPs in blocks. Therefore, when an email is sent from a mail server machine to a recipient mail server machine it is quite easy to detect where or which country the mail is coming from because the IP address is attached into the message header.

A Class A Address Block or, less formally, an A Block is a block of 16,000,000 or so (2^24) addresses from X.0.0.0 to X.255.255.255, where 0 < X < 127.

So... the entire - range of addresses is the A Block owned by IBM.

A B Block is a block of 65,000 or so (2^16) addresses from X.Y.0.0 to X.Y.255.255, where 127 < X < 192 and 0 <= Y < 256

A C Block is a block of 256 addresses from X.Y.Z.0 to X.Y.Z.255 where 191 < X < 224, 0 <= Y,Z <256

(There are also D and E class addresses allocated in the 224-255 range - these are reserved for multicast and experimental applications - you'll never see them in practice)

Traditional blocks are often described using the first address in the block, eg IBM own A Block and Cyberpromo own C Block Other times they may be described using just the constant prefix, eg net 9 for IBM or net 205.199.2 for CyberPromo

[You'll often hear any address range from X.Y.Z.0 to X.Y.Z.255 called a C Block even though it technically isn't unless 191 < X < 224]

CIDR Allocation
Recently things
have changed. IP addresses are in short supply and routers have become more sophisticated, so it's now usual to allocate blocks of addresses on pretty much any bit boundary.

You'll often see blocks of 64 addresses for instance, such as to

A common way of naming these blocks is CIDR syntax - this is the initial constant prefix and the length in bits.

So... to might be described as 151.196.75/24 and... to might be described as

eMail Bolts & Nuts FAQ's
The function of URL or Uniform Resource Locator?
A command for your email address, some mail clients may not be able to translate it into an email address
A standard client server protocol for receiving email. POP3 is use for retrieving Internet email from ISPs mail server...
Collections of important useful emails related sites? Free email stuff, real cool, give it a try
Advanced DNS (dig) for the DNS records of a host or domain showing all the DNS records
All about IP Addresses, DNS, Internet addressing. Serious stuff, perfect remedy if you can't sleep
Email history, email netiquette, improving email presentation, email with sound, pictures--give it a try
101 Email spam tracking and meaning of message header? 102 DejaNews the most powerful dedicated spam-tracker's tool 103 The spam tracker tools: Whois, nslookup, traceroute, dig 104 Spam tracking
Never use ISPs that hosts your web site to send out newsletter. If they cancel your account, you will lose all your web pages
Warning: If you publish an online newsletter or email to any opt-in list (including your own list), it is critical that you read this
The history of Spam starts with Monty Python's Flying Circus and Vikings singing Spam
A list of return error codes by Windows Sockets API returned by WSAGetLastErrorcall with descriptions
Meet The Kings of SPAM - You don't need rocket science to figure out how to send spam emails
Spam-tracking 103 WHOIS tool nslookup and traceroute freeware download
whois.internic.net or network solutions are network registries to find out contact info for current domain or IP address
nslookup a DNS tool that Perform forward and reverse DNS queries for the current address (this will usually give you the IP address of a hostname)
traceroute finds the route packets take between you and the selected address
Email in a "nut shell" a one page course about emailing. Everything you wanted to know about emailing.
How email works? Delivery of each email is done by your ISP mailserver establishing a conversation through (port 25) of your recipient mail server
Free2-Try 100% effective. The easiest way to Stop Spam getting into your PC. I recommend it. stop spam

But who's in charge of this address block?

To find out
who administers a block of addresses you can use the IP Block tool to query the Internic database. This is sometimes wildly out of date, but can be a good start.

Special Cases
There are some special ranges of addresses reserved for special uses.

The 127.*.*.* block is reserved for local loopback - so these addresses will always point back to your own machine. The canonical loopback address is

Private networks
Some blocks
of addresses are allocated for private networks - packets from these machines should be dropped by most routers. Why is this useful? If you want to setup a private network you don't need to use up any of the scarce allocation of 'real' IP addresses. So you need to make up your own addressing scheme to use internally.

As long as you're not connected to the internet in any way you could use any scheme you wanted. But what if you have a gateway machine that lets you e.g. send mail to and from the internet?

If you chose an arbitrary IP address range for your local network and the packets leaked through the gateway onto the internet they'd end up going to the Real owner of those addresses, probably spam their system and provoking stern 'phone calls.

This has happened, even within huge multinational corporations who didn't follow the rules and chose arbitrary addresses for their internal network. So there are ranges of addresses allocated as private addresses.

You can use these quite safely, as everyone's routers are told to just throw packets to or from these addresses away. So if your packets escape they'll be deleted.

Continue Next Page 2/2 About Private address blocks, Email to an IP address, Domain Name Service, DNS lookups, Reverse lookup, Advanced DNS, Traceroute, SMTP Relay and more...


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