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RFC's rules for bounce or undeliverable notification does not apply, because your mails are accepted and what mail servers do (after accepting them) is an internal matter--meaning; delete your mails without notification. See SMTP POP3 Error return codes

That's to prevent spammers from knowing whether their mails are valid or have reached their recipients mailbox. See: Meaning of spam


Manipulating key trigger words in your message, for example:  N/ew  $money  un*subscribe  F^ree  "$_$" only makes it easy for spam checkers to identify your mail as spam--that's what s/p/a/m/m/e/r/s do--Zap!

Do not manipulate key trigger words in your message, doing that only makes it easy for spam filters to identify it as spam--that's what s.p.a.m.m.e.r.s do--Zap!


How to test your message and see if it gets deleted by broad based anti-spam filters? Send your message with subject line, beginning with the word TEST in upper case to:

Subject line example: TEST eMail Tips issue 26

You will receive a reply mail rating your message, and how to make it less likely to be mistaken as spam.

Spam filters have a database of key-words in their engine that compare and filter *obfuscated* text such as; f^ee_or_f.r.e.e, V1AGRA, L0VE, lnk-refill, and creative "undisclosed.recipients" in their message TO: field, like these examples:

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undisclosed recipients::      undisclosed recipient
undisclosed-recipients:;     undisclosed-recipients
<undisclosed-recipient:;>  (recipient list suppressed)

Spammers *obfuscate* their key-words by using symbols and other unconventional ways of writing it.

Did you notice that the character (i and o) were replaced with 1, 0, and in lower case "L" for (lnk-refill). See Email Filtering

Messages containing obfuscated text usually get through spam filters--*for now*--until they are identified and filters engine database gets their weekly update fix.

If you are trying to out-smart any spam filters by using such methods to obfuscate message key-words, not only does your message looks like you have something to hide from your readers--you are making it *exactly* like what spammers are doing.

Therefore, as soon as spam filters gets their key-words database updated, your legitimate message will be deleted for receiving a high spam score.

==>Your goal <== See: How Email Works
is not to make your message looks like spam.

This is how to test your message and see if it gets deleted by broad-based anti spam filters--send a message with the subject line beginning with the word TEST in upper case to:

Example: TEST eMail Tips issue 13

In a short while, you will receive a reply mail rating your message with suggestions, on how to make it less likely to be mistaken as spam.

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Sun Tzu
Art of War - "Leaders  without strategy of warfare, invite defeat."

Until the next issue....
Have a Grrrreat Day!

Best Wishes...

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that I and the rest of my team sincerely appreciate it. We have checked your software twice and it is good." Alex